Legal information

“Minors” form
In cooperation with the Ukrainian notariat, the European Notarial Network (ENN) has developed a form enabling parents to express their wishes regarding the journey of their child leaving Ukraine and the exercise of parental responsibility. This form is available for free download from the ENN website. It is fully bilingual (Ukrainian/English and Ukrainian/French) and will soon run with 17 other languages of the European Union, in order to make it understandable in the country of destination.
Legal information
The CNUE has undertaken work to identify the main legal issues, mostly related to notarial practice, which can be faced by Ukrainian refugees arriving in the European Union. A list of Frequently Asked Questions will soon be made available under this heading. For the attention of European notaries, cooperation instruments will be made available on the online platform of the European Notarial Network (ENN): www.enn-rne.eu (free registration).
The DNotI (Deutsches Notarinstitut – German Institute for Notarial Research) has published an analysis of legal issues concerning Ukrainian citizens and German notarial practice.
The website of the International Union of Notaries provides information facsheets on Ukrainian law in the following areas:
– succession law WARNING! Under Ukrainian law, the 6-month time limit for accepting an inheritance is now suspended.
– matrimonial property regimes and registered partnerships
– vulnerable persons
– real estate law
EU directive on temporary protection of refugees
Council Implementing Decision No. 2022/382 of 4 March 2022 grants temporary protection to Ukrainian refugees with immediate effect, on the basis of an activation of Directive 2001/55/EC.
Directive 2001/55/EC lays down minimum standards for giving temporary protection in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons and measures promoting a fair share of the burden between Member States in receiving such persons and bearing the consequences thereof.
In practice, this temporary protection gives Ukrainian nationals and their families equivalent rights in all the Member States. This allows beneficiaries to work, benefit from social protection as well as help to find accommodation. Minor beneficiaries have access to the education system, as well as adults can enrol in vocational training. This also gives the right to facilitate family reunification. Persons enjoying temporary protection will be able to move freely within the EU. Member States will have the possibility to offer third-country nationals legally residing in Ukraine a national protection status and not necessarily temporary protection. The temporary protection regime is foreseen for a period of one year, renewable depending on the situation until March 2025.