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CNUE News, 11 July 2023

The ENRWA website gets a makeover

The European Network of Registers of Wills Association (ENRWA) has redesigned its website to improve access to the association’s news: www.arert.eu. This space provides exhaustive information on the association’s mission and its development since its creation in 2005. A tab is dedicated to collaboration with European institutions and projects funded by the Directorate-General for Justice of the European Commission. The website also provides data on cross-border successions in the form of practical factsheets for use by notaries, legal professionals, and European citizens. These factsheets have been translated into 20 languages.

The ENRWA is an international association under Belgian law founded in 2005. It enables a secure interconnection of registers of wills and ECS to simplify the search for testamentary dispositions of a deceased person in 13 European countries.

In compliance with the Basle Convention on the Establishment of a Scheme of Registration of Wills of 16 May 1972, the States having a register of testamentary dispositions which are members of the ENRWA may interconnect these registers, thus enabling any European citizen to discover the testamentary dispositions left by a deceased person regardless of the country where this disposition was registered. Since 2015, the ENRWA has also enabled authorities issuing European Certificate of Succession (ECS), introduced by the European Regulation on cross-border successions, to search for the issuance of an ECSs in another Member State bound by the Regulation (i.e. all EU Member States except Ireland and Denmark). As for wills, the registration of ECSs is carried out within national registers. The ENRWA interconnects the national registers of wills and ECSs in order to make it possible to search for those issued in another State, in compliance with the conditions imposed by that State. This search facilitates the handling of cross-border succession cases.

For more information, please contact the ENRWA at ca@arert.eu

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