Publication of 2015
annual report by CNUE

Brussels, 14 December 2015
Publication of 2015 annual report by CNUE
The Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) published today the 2015 edition of its annual report. The report gives a detailed account of the CNUE’s activities of recent months and enables the reader to identify the key issues for the notarial profession today and in the future.
The annual report includes the following sections:
• A section on Management, which presents the CNUE, its members and its various internal bodies.
• A Year in Review, where the highlights of the year are listed, such as the information evening held at the Bibliothèque Solvay in Brussels on 19 November 2015, during which expatriates were able to meet notaries from across Europe and find out about their rights.
• A Legal Dossiers section, which deals with the various subjects of interest for the notarial profession: succession law, company law, combating money laundering and the negotiations on the proposal for a regulation on public documents regarding which the CNUE welcomes the fact that an agreement was reached by the trilogue recently.
• A section on External Relations. This year, the CNUE established closer ties with the Civil Law Initiative and contributed to the European Law Institute’s work.
• A Communications section, detailing the CNUE’s activities in this area: website creation, presence in social media, press relations, etc.
For 2015, the regulation on international successions becoming applicable on 17 August 2015 was a major priority for the CNUE. In this perspective, the CNUE stepped up its initiatives, for example by continuing to support training for European notaries, in addition to the work of the European Network of Registers of Wills Association (ENRWA) to facilitate the interconnection of registers of wills and the creation of national registers of European Certificates of Succession (ECS). The French and Luxembourg national ECS registers are already connected.
The CNUE also conducted a series of public relations actions, either meeting representatives of governments, the European institutions and international organisations, or organising events on topical issues, such as the conference on the successions regulation on 19 November 2015, organised jointly with the European Commission.
Finally, the CNUE has paid attention to European citizens’ needs this year. New free online resources have been created, including the Buying Property in Europe and The Vulnerable in Europe websites. At the same time, the Successions Europe website has been substantially updated.
CNUE in brief
The Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) is an official body representing the notarial profession in dealings with European institutions. Speaking for the profession, it expresses the joint decisions of its members to the institutions of the European Union. The CNUE includes 22 notarial organisations in the European UnioThe European notariats are represented in the CNUE by the presidents of the national notariats. The CNUE operates under the authority of a President, the CNUE’s spokesperson, who has tenure for one year.