Training programme 2024-2026

EL@N II – EU law for notaries – Notaries for EU law
The European Commission Justice programme 2021-2027 has identified judicial training among the most relevant fields to further develop an EU area of Justice based on the EU’s values, rule of law, and mutual recognition and trust. EL@N II, an EU co-funded initiative led by the CNUE, aims to meet the challenges of correctly and consistently applying EU law in those areas of civil law where notaries are competent.
The 2023 Report on European judicial training highlighted an increase in the percentage of trained legal professionals in the field of EU law, showcasing the CNUE’s commitment to the new EU Judicial training strategy for 2021-2024. The training activities of the project cover topics such as the Succession Regulation and matrimonial property regimes, anti-money laundering, cross-border enforcement of authentic instruments, legal English, and gender equality in the notarial practice.
The EL@N II – Formation V project focuses on providing training to notaries in various key areas. This includes addressing the complexity of succession law, the impact of matrimonial property regimes on succession law, as well as the handling of digital inheritance. Additionally, the project aims to provide notaries with the necessary skills to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing, in line with the new AML package harmonising AML rules throughout the European Union. The training also delves into the cross-border enforcement of authentic instruments, aiming to provide notaries with a comprehensive understanding of the regulations and provisions related to this area. Furthermore, the project recognises the importance of English language skills for notaries, especially in the context of cross-border transactions and access to legal information and resources. Lastly, the project includes a transversal work package on gender equality in the notarial practice, aiming to reinforce awareness and to strengthen the principle of gender equality in legal professionals’ practices.
Expected Project Outputs :
- 4 eLearning modules on Successions Law, AML, Cross-Border Enforcement, Legal English released progressively over the next two years on the eLearning platform accessible via the ENN
- 3 European seminars on the fight against money laundering
- 2 European seminars on Successions
- 1 European seminar on Cross-border enforcement of authentic acts
- Webinars and video-capsules
- Study on gender equality in the notarial practice.